With smaller student numbers teachers are able to spend their time teaching content, instead of crowd-control. This means that the learning goals that have been determined for each age group or class are the focus of the school day.One-on-one time with students allows teachers to observe skills that have been mastered and those that need work.
Our classes encourage students to be participants rather than spectators. We follow a traditional classroom model. However, students are placed in classes based on their own strengths and weaknesses. Advanced students are pushed forward to greater levels of advancement. Struggling students are provided with one on one attention to ensure they reach their goals. All students learn how to think quickly, and gain valuable experience sharing their thoughts and opinions in a public forum. Each student's individual goals matter.
We endeavor to keep tuition at Grace affordable. We offer scholarships and financial aid whenever we can. We want children from all economic backgrounds to benefit from Christian education.
Placing your child in a Christian school may necessitate a financial sacrifice, a geographical inconvenience, or a drain on your energy, but the joy received from watching your child grow academically and mature in the Lord makes all the effort, all the time, all the money worth it.
"The academic instruction in the Christian school exceeds that of the public schools. With strict standards of behavior enforced and high academic standards expected, the Christian school provides your child a better education, opening more doors in his life for future success and satisfaction. The benefits of the sound education offered in the Christian school are far-reaching and long-term, another reason you send your child to a Christian school." (Association of Christian School's International)
"I love everything about Grace." 1st Grade Student
"Best decision we ever made was to put our daughter in Grace Christian Academy! Amazing staff, and my daughter absolutely loves it." Parent of K4 Student
"Sending our children to Grace Christian Academy gives us the peace of mind of knowing that our children are taught by Christian exemplars. The teachers are motivated to share the love of Christ in every aspect of their education." Parent of children in several grades
"It is a fun school. The teachers help the students to do their best." 9th grade student
"GCA is the best decision I made for my son's education. He is very proud of his school." High school Parent
"We knew we made the right decision to send our children to Grace Christian Academy when our five year old cried to go to school on Saturday." Kindergarten Parent
"We are extremely blessed that our children are able to receive a high quality education in a Christ-centered environment." High school Parent