We are keeping our class numbers even smaller than normal to ensure we can provide space for social distancing. We will not hold group assemblies or have all students at the playground or using the lunch room at the same time. We will endeavor to keep the same staff with the same students as much as possible.
We are blessed with a large campus that gives us the opportunity to provide separate learning spaces to different ages of students. Those students also do not have to share hallways or bathrooms with students from other grade levels.
We have the capability to use the Jupiter Ed Platform for distance learning. Our own teachers film video lessons and post tests and quizzes online. Discussion forums provide students with a connection to each other. Teachers are available to answer questions and assist students with difficult content. This is available should we have to close down again due to Covid-19.
We plan to add additional air filtration systems and UV lamps to each classroom to ensure the air is constantly being filtered and disinfected. Shared surfaces will be sanitized several times a day.
Several of our classrooms have the ability to house microwaves for students use as well as kitchen sink facilities. This will enable us if needed to reduce the number of students who go to the school lunch room. Our recess times can be staggered and we have ample outside space and fields to ensure safe distances of different age groups of students.
We plan to conduct daily temperature screenings of students entering the school building. No students or staff with a temperature of 99.1 or above will be permitted inside the school building. No students or staff who have a cough, cold, or flu symptoms will be allowed to be on the school property.